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9th Engineer Battalion

1st Marine Division, FMF


Delta Company - 9th Engineer Battalion

"The 9th Engineer Battalion, First Marine Division, in Viet Nam"
35 Personal Accounts

..... by Jean Schellenbarger

"This is the first oral (or other) history of the 9th Engineers, the only Marine battalion formed specifically to go to Vietnam. More than 35 men of the 9th talk about why they joined the Marines and what they experienced in basic training. They speak candidly and compellingly about their five years (1966 to 1970) in-country."(231 pages)

Published by McFarland and Company

To order your copy, click on the Barnes and Noble link below. Enter "9th Engineer Battalion" in the search box.

"Flags of Our Fathers"

..... by James Bradley with Ron Powers

"In this unforgettable chronicle of perhaps the most famous moment in American military history, James Bradley has captured the glory, the triumph, the heartbreak, and the legacy of the six men who raised the flag at Iwo Jima. Here is the true story behind the immortal photograph that has come to symbolize the courage and indomitable will of America..."
(376 pages)

Published by Bantam Books

To order your copy, click on the Barnes and Noble link below. Enter "Flags of Our Fathers" in the search box.

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Bob Handley, "D" Company 1968-69

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